A lesson worth learning...

Posted by lordspudz | | Posted On Monday 16 November 2009 at 19:50

I've been guilty at times of digging something up and throwing it away without so much as a cursory glance thinking it is only a piece of junk. We have all done it at one time or another and will probably do it again.
Yesterday, for some reason, I put everything I found in my finds bag, and was glad that I did!
This weekends weather hadn't been what you could call 'metal detecting friendly' but by midday on Sunday, the clouds had parted, the rain ceased to fall and the wind died down to no more than a leaf rustling puff.
After dinner, Doris and I headed off to the fields and in no time were out searching.
After about an hour, I remember getting a fairly good signal and digging up what looked like a round, thin piece of metal which could have been a button or a thin aluminium disc. I removed some of the mud and, not seeing any markings of any kind, (which seemed to confirm that it was a button/disc), placed it in my finds bag and carried on.
When I got home I emptied my bag to look through what I had found, which wasn't much as I'd only been out a couple of hours, and ran a couple of items under the tap to remove the mud I hadn't been able to remove in the field. One of the items was the button/disc which I fully expected the water to reveal nothing but a flat, featureless surface.
To my amazement, as the mud dissolved away, I could see markings around the edge, then what looked like a cross with more markings, words. Could this be a coin I asked myself?
Quickly rubbing off the rest of the mud, I found myself staring at something I recognized. A quick scan through Spink's coin bible confirmed I had got myself a Groat. My first! To give it its full title...... a King Henry VII Groat. I was, to say the least, rather pleased. OK, there's a bit of it missing but who cares? It's mine!!
The moral of this little tale is don't be too quick to discard odd bits of metal as they could turn out to be a great find.


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